10 Most Dangerous Things People Do While Driving

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Online, Defensive Driving Tips, Distracted Driving

Driving is dangerous enough as it is–it is estimated that there are around 10 million car accidents every year–but when you add into the equation human error and dangerous driving habits, the road can be a scary place to be. Defensive driving is about being conscious of the various mistakes that you are prone to make as a driver, and taking steps to prevent them. With that in mind, here are some of the worst things that people do while driving.

1. tailgating

Driving too close to another driver is incredibly dangerous, especially at high speeds. The smaller the gap between you and the car in front, the less time you have to react. Tailgating also means that you have to brake and accelerate more, which will cost you more in gas.

2. failure to signal

Cars are designed with indicators for the purpose of making roads a safer place to be. So when we don’t use them, it makes it hard for other drivers to know what we are doing, and causes more accidents.

3. texting

One of the biggest problems facing motorists today is the prevalence of phone use–particularly texting or browsing–while driving. If you are tempted to check your phone while driving, just remember that, in the time it takes to look at your phone, you travel the distance of a football field. Maybe paint yourself a reminder not to text and drive.

4. talking on the phone

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that, as long as you are not looking at it, it is ok to use your phone while driving. In fact, talking on the phone is just as dangerous, as you are forced to take your hand off of the wheel.

5. speeding

It is so tempting to speed when you are in a rush to get somewhere. However, the potential cost in damages or even lives lost is definitely not worth it–not to mention the actual monetary cost of a speeding ticket or defensive driving course. What’s more, there’s a good chance that speeding won’t actually save you any time.

6. getting angry

Road rage is actually a traffic offense, and has been known to lead to hundreds of deaths. But in an everyday setting, it will probably just cause you more stress and potential accidents than it is worth.

7. eating

Sure, we all know not to text while driving, but what about other driving distractions that can be equally dangerous? One such distraction is eating while driving–save that drive-thru food for when you get home!

8. putting on makeup

Similarly, there is no reason why you should ever put yourself and others at risk by applying makeup while driving–it is something that requires you to take your hands, eyes, and mind off of the road.

9. rubbernecking

When you see that group of vehicles with flashing lights on the other side of the road, it is oh so tempting to take a look. However, this could lead to another accident at worst, and some bad traffic congestion at best.

10. drink alcohol

Hopefully everyone knows this one by now, but having even a little bit to drink before driving will severely impair your ability to control a vehicle and make smart decisions. Don’t drink and drive!
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