8 Ways to Save Money on Your Daily Commute

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Online, Driving and Safety Tips

When you have a job that is any more than a short journey away from your home, you know the blessing and curse of a morning commute. Many people welcome the extra time and peace that they can enjoy in a car alone both to and from work, but there are also obvious downsides. One of these is that it can tend to cost more money the farther away you live. So to help you save money on that daily commute, here are some tips.

1. Carpool

The best solution is a natural one–drive less. If you have other people in your office that live close to you, see if you can share the responsibility of driving to work each week, or work out a system to trade off driving.

2. take public transport

Not everyone has a co-worker that lives close by, but sometimes public transport is a cheaper, and even more convenient option. If you can use public transport for less than the price of your gas, you will find that you can also use that time each day to get extra work done.

3. look into cars with better gas mileage

Of course this option will cost you a little more up front, but will save you money in the long run. Some cars are simply gas guzzlers, and if you have one of these, it’ll cost you a lot more money to drive to work each day than it has to. Look into other, more fuel efficient vehicles.

4. drive more defensively

It might seem hard to believe, but the way that you drive can actually affect your gas usage. If you are braking and accelerating excessively, you will use up a lot more fuel than if you make an effort to drive calmly and defensively, maintaining a steady speed wherever possible. If you take freeway routes over other roadways, you will also save gas.

5. work from home

Obviously not everyone has this option, but if you do, working from home whenever possible will save you a lot on gas money.

6. check your work benefits

A lot of companies have benefits packages that include compensation for travel. Check with your company to see how much you might be able to receive for your daily commute.

7. utilise gas station points systems

A lot of chains will have points systems that will allow you to accumulate points through loyalty, and eventually use them to get money off your gas bill.

8. consider closer jobs

As a last case scenario, if your daily commute is really taking a toll on your finances–to the point at which it is costing a huge chunk of your salary–you might want to look into either moving, or start looking for a new job that is closer to where you live.
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