defensive driving class

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips® has been providing an excellent defensive driving course for Texans since 2000. Based in Houston, Texas, they offer a comprehensive and informative online defensive driving class that comes with many benefits that are hard to find with any other defensive driving course. It beats having to sit for several hours in a weekend traffic school and it much more serious about traffic safety than a comedy defensive driving class.

Some of the benefits included with® are having your traffic ticket dismissed, reducing your insurance rates and obtaining quality information on how you and others can remain safe while driving on the road. The course provides all of the information you would normally receive from a defensive driving class, but in a much more convenient and entertaining way. You can take this class in your own home at your own computer. In fact, you can take it anywhere you have access to a computer. Also, you can take your time because you have 90 days to finish this Texas defensive driving course. If you have any difficulty with the defensive driving class,® has support available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The main thing about the defensive driving class at® is that you can have your traffic tickets dismissed. Their online course is accepted by any court in Texas for traffic dismissal. Also, your insurance rates can be reduced by as much as 10 percent! Another important aspect of the class is that you learn vital lessons about driving safety. This defensive driving course can teach you how to be safe while driving on the road and stay accident-free. In addition to all this, our class is very entertaining and many have said that it is rather enjoyable. If you have received a traffic ticket, consider taking a defensive driving class with®.® is proud to offer you a top-notch course in defensive driving. It has consistently remained a popular defensive driving course among Texans since 2000. Many Texans have benefited from our online traffic school and have had their tickets dismissed. Also, they learned many valuable lessons about driving safety all while taking the class conveniently on their computers at home. Some have even taken it at coffee shops or other places where there is computer access. If you would like to know more about our defensive driving class, just simply browse through our Website!

Featured Article

Are You Interested in Conveniently Dismissing a Texas Traffic Ticket? Sign Up For Defensive Driving School!

[Posted on February 14]

“Oh no!” These two simple words (or perhaps similar, yet more inappropriate sentiments) usually pass through the heads and mouths of those who are caught violating a Texas traffic law. Undoubtedly, being handed a traffic ticket is not a fun experience by any stretch of the imagination, and for a considerable number of people, the cost of the fine associated with the ticket can lead to some short-term financial trouble. However, hope for dismissing the traffic ticket does exist!

Keep hope alive. For those who have been handed an unfortunate traffic ticket in Texas, all hope certainly is not lost! Indeed, there is a way to have the traffic ticket dismissed and in a manner which is inexpensive in terms of both money and time! Dismissing a recent traffic ticket in Texas can be achieved via a defensive driving school! A driving school may not sound like a great deal of fun, but it should be recognized that some high quality defensive driving schools out there can be entertaining and can provide the student with a tremendous amount of benefits, perhaps one of the most important (aside from having the chance at a traffic ticket dismissal) being the opportunity to gain knowledge of how to stay safe on the road.

The process of dismissing a Texas traffic ticket is a lot easier than many believe; at least it is if the ticket is dismissed via a high quality defensive driving course. Courses such as those found at® may all be used for Texas traffic ticket dismissal, and the process for having a ticket dismissed is not burdensome in the least. After signing up for a high quality course and completing the course, a certificate of completion is mailed; this certificate of completion’s court copy can then be signed and submitted to the court which issued the citation.

Are you interested in conveniently dismissing a Texas traffic ticket? If so, then be sure to sign for defensive driving school! Also be sure to find out more regarding the great benefits which can be obtained after taking a high quality defensive driving class by continuing to browse through the® website. Sign up for a high quality online class today, or if you have any questions, then feel free to contact® directly by phone or email.


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Wendi united states
Good course.
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Isaiah Navarrette Texas, united states
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Simple and easy-to-use
Israel Navarro Texas, united states
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