Fight a Traffic Ticket or Defensive Driving Course

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips

Being pulled over is a normal part of driving, and it comes with options about how to handle the citation. When you receive a traffic ticket there’s 4 remedies that most people consider, some much better than others.

  1. Fight the ticket with a traffic ticket lawyer
  2. Deferred Disposition/Deferred Adjudication
  3. Defensive Driving Course
  4. Pay the fine

Dismissing a ticket

Fighting the ticket

— A traffic attorney is experienced in helping to dismiss or lower the charges from your moving violation. If you received a ticket while going over 25 MPH or more over the speed limit or hold a CDL license, you should definitely consider a traffic attorney. Although it will be more expensive than other options, if you’re going more than 25 MPH over the limit you face much more severe charges.

Deferred Disposition

— Deferring the ticket is a simple but expensive way to get out of your ticket if you’re a 1st-time offender. Deferring the ticket essentially allows you to buy your way out of the ticket. If money is no object it’s certainly a top consideration. Your eligibility will vary by the court you’re assigned to.

Defensive Driving Course

— This option allows you to dismiss your ticket for the lowest possible cost ($25) as well as provide savings on your auto insurance, all while dismissing the ticket entirely. If you were cited for 25 MPH or less over the speed limit, haven’t taken another defensive driving course in the last 12 months, and do not have a CDL you’re eligible to take defensive driving. This is an option approved in all courts and will not only dismiss your ticket, but also provide additional savings. If you’re eligible, defensive driving is your best bet.

Paying the Fine

— There is almost no circumstance where you should simply pay the fine. By choosing this option the ticket stays on your record and your insurance rates will go up as a result. While this option can be tempting because it is fast, it will likely cost you thousands of dollars in the long-run. Anyone considering this option should think of it as a last resort.

We’re so it should come as no surprise that we suggest a defensive driving course but for those whole are eligible. The reality is that defensive driving is normally the best option if you qualify. Not all tickets are eligible and there’s definitely situations that warrant other solutions, but if you’re given the option you should strongly consider defensive driving as your solution for ticket dismissal.


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