Florida Approved Traffic School for Point Reduction…

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Helping You Drive Safely

DefensiveDriving.com offers a Florida approved traffic school for point reduction and ticket dismissal.
When you are ticketed, you may earn points against your driving record, which when accumulated may cause your license to be suspended.

When you receive a ticket, take it to the local clerk of court within 30 days and

  • Pay the ticket (paying means you are admitting guilt and the points WILL be added to your driving record) or
  • Elect to attend driver improvement school, pay the lower ticket amount (and bring the certificate of completion back to the court to prove you attended).

If, as a result of a moving violation, you elect to attend and complete a basic driver improvement course, you will receive the following benefits:

  1. Your insurance rates cannot go up and your policy cannot be canceled because of this violation, unless this involved a crash where you were at fault.
  2. Points may not be added to your driver license record, adjudication of guilt is withheld, and safe driver status is maintained if applicable. You may not make an election under this subsection if you have made this election in the preceding 12 months. A person may make no more than five elections in a lifetime.

Within 30 days from the date you received the traffic citation and prior to attending class, you must:

  1. Inform the Clerk of Court in the county where you received the citation that you want to go to traffic school, and
  2. Pay an election fee to the Clerk of Court in the county where you received the citation.

Login to our Florida traffic school course to register for class. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has approved the course.


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Trelicia Jones united states
Easy to pay and do course
Cheikh Gakou united states
Carlos Trejo None, united states
it's awesome!
Taylor Martinez None, united states
it’s a streamlined experience
Julie Lackey None, united states
Easily accessible and user-friendly.
Mohammed Majid Majid None, united states
George Bruce None, united states
very easy to understand and navigate.
Tamiru Beyene None, united states
Very good
Dylann Vollaro united states
Easy and educational
Daniel Garza None, united states
quick easy amazing
Milena Russom TEXAS, united states
Great website. Easy to use.
triston dockall Texas , united states
Easy to navigate and understand..
Shelby Scanlin united states
The course went well
RICHARD VILLARREAL Texas, united states
Easy to register
Robert Lujan None, united states
Gary Boren None, united states
Ericka Guerra None, united states
easy peasy
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